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We use the Landau theory of phase transitions to obtain the global phase diagram concerning the uniaxial nematic, biaxial nematic, uniaxial smectic-A and biaxial smectic-A phases.

Gerald Contreras grabó el momento en de que los autos escapaban por la carretera interestatal por un agujero en la cerca en el área de Sacramento, perseguidos por el humo y las llamas alentadas por el viento.

The antiferromagnetic crystals undergo a transition to the paramagnetic state at a temperature called the Néel temperature (Table 14.

This method is based on a high-frequency excitation range in order to overcome the difficulties caused when the low vibration modes are excited. A structure made up of unidirectional carbon f...

The Boltzmann kinetic equation is obtained from an integro-differential master equation that describes a stochastic dynamics in phase space of an isolated thermodynamic system.

Próximo artigoMoisemar Marinho avalia positivamente semestre na Câmara: “obtivemos um resultado positivo”

A system in thermodynamic equilibrium must be stable. This means to say that small perturbations do not remove the system from its equilibrium.

Los extranjeros pobres tienen ahora más trabas de modo a pedir qual los exoneren del pago de ciertos trámites migratorios

Recently, considerable research works have been conducted towards finding fast and accurate pattern Mario de Oliveira classifiers for identifying structural damage when applied to Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems.

One daniel dantas mercado livre example is the random walk, which serves as a model for several random phenomena. At regular intervals of time, a walker takes a step forward or backward at random and independent of the previous steps. Th...

Congreso gana una partida doble a Trump: una corte dice de que el 'impeachment' es legal y le da acceso a las evidencias del ‘Rusiagate’

Non-equilibrium systems under daniel dantas ator temperature modulation are investigated in the light of the stochastic thermodynamics. We show that, for small amplitudes of the temperature oscillations, the heat flux behaves sinusoidally with time, a result that allows the definition of the complex heat capacity. The real part of the complex heat capacity is the dyn...

El veterano periodista se reúne daniel dantas net worth con un grupo de suscriptores do EL PAÍS en la redacción del periódico en Madrid

Descobrir este qual você Têm a possibilidade de precisar mudar sobre si exatamente antes do culpar os outros por AS Mario de Oliveira SUAS deficiências.

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